Below you will find a list of important camping fan information listed in alphabetical order. If you do not find the answer to your question in the information below please contact us at 1-800-722-3929 or E-Mail us at
PLEASE NOTE: Camping Information listed below is accurate for our 2024 Race Weekend. Updates may be made to some information prior to our 2025 NASCAR Race Weekend, please check back closer to the event for complete Fan Information.
CLICK HERE to return to our main camping page!
ATM is Located at the Infield Fan Center for Infield Guests. Additional ATMs can be found in other ticketed locations throughout the Raceway
- Signs must be handheld, event-related, in good taste and cannot obstruct another guest’s view. They may not contain commercial messages, logos or political endorsements. Signs on poles or sticks, or constructed of wood or metal material, are also not permitted. Management reserves the right to confiscate signs that are in violation of Pocono Raceway policy.
- The use of the camping space shall be for the enjoyment of the racing experience only. The use of the space for any promotion, advertisement, or commercial exploitation, as determined by Pocono Raceway in its sole discretion, shall be prohibited. Guests may be asked to remove any signage (including and without limitation to signage that is political, controversial or offensive in nature or that is for commercial exploitation); cease and desist, any activity; have signs and/or promotional materials confiscated; and/or have the guest’s space parking privileges revoked at Pocono Raceway’s sole discretion.
Pocono Raceway is the first racetrack with a dog park. It opened in June 2016 and is open daily for our RV and Camping guests. In camping areas, Pocono Raceway has always been a pet-friendly facility and we hope all of our camping guests enjoy this new amenity. Please note: pets, outside of service animals, are not permitted on the Grandstand side, Fan Fair, Midway, Pit, Garages, and the Paddock.
- Personal bicycles are permitted in Camping Areas
- Pocono Raceway Encourages Guests of all ages to walk their bicycles in Fan Areas surrounding and when crossing Earnhardt Road.
- Reflectors are encouraged on bicycles
- Pocono Raceway does not provide any bike racks or mechanisms to lock bicycles.
- Helmets are encouraged, but not mandatory.
Concerns regarding the unsafe or inappropriate behavior of a guest should be immediately addressed and/or reported to the nearest Supervisor, Event Security or police officer. Unruly, disruptive behavior and the use of profanity will not be tolerated. Pocono Raceway Management is committed to creating a safe, clean and friendly experience for our guests. Our staff will proactively support an environment free from the following behaviors:
- Abusive, foul or disruptive language and obscene gestures
- Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption. Please be responsible for the consumption of alcoholic beverages (must be 21 years of age)
- Fighting, taunting or threatening remarks or gestures
- Sitting in a location other than the guest’s ticketed seat
- Displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting
- Obscene or indecent clothing
- No throwing objects toward or unto the track
- Please leave room for emergency vehicle access
- Generators educate- see below
- The ROPING OR BLOCKING OFF of extra space for any reason to include saving space for Guests arriving later is prohibited.
- All campers must be removed from Pocono Raceway property no later than noon on the Monday following race weekend.
- Anyone violating these rules is subject to ejection without refund
- Both Pocono Raceway and its affiliates assume no liability for loss or damage by fire, theft or otherwise to you, your guests, any of your belongings or your vehicle – use of the camping areas is at your own risk.
- At NASCAR and Pocono Security’s discretion, you may be asked to shut down your grill, fire, or smoker if it affects the sightlines for on-track activity during any racing events.
- Pocono Raceway reserves the right to change or modify rules and policies. Illegal activities or activities that violate the rules and policies of Pocono Raceway are considered grounds for immediate removal from the premises. Tickets, passes, and admissions may be confiscated and are non-refundable.
- Pocono Raceway is a family-friendly facility. In order for all guests to have a memorable and pleasant experience during their time with us, we ask that all guests be considerate of others at all times. Alcohol-impaired, belligerent, and obnoxious guests will be escorted from the facility by track security. To report any incidents, please contact track security at 570-643-7184
Continuing inappropriate behavior may result in the guest having his/her tickets revoked, being ejected from Pocono Raceway or arrested by police. All Ticket Holders are responsible for their conduct as well as the conduct of their guests and/or persons using their tickets. If individuals or members of a group are removed from the camping facilities by track security for violation of any Raceway rule, individuals and group members may lose the right to renew or purchase sites for future events. Vehicles may be removed at owner’s expense. Pocono Raceway reserves the right to revoke all rights and privileges pertaining to pass purchase.
Camping Guests should follow these guidelines to prevent this colorless, odorless gas from poisoning them and their family:
- Do not use portable heaters or lanterns while sleeping in enclosed areas such as tents, campers, and other vehicles. This is especially important at high altitudes, where the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is increased.
- Vent RV generators and heater system exhaust away from or above their unit and their neighbors’ sites.
- Know the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and confusion. Carbon monoxide reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Low blood oxygen levels can result in loss of consciousness and death.
- Seek medical attention if you or a member of your family develop cold or flu-like symptoms while camping. Carbon monoxide poisoning, which can easily be mistaken for a cold or flu, is often detected too late.
- Alcohol consumption and drug use increase the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Carbon monoxide is especially toxic to a mother and child during pregnancy, infants, the elderly, smokers, and people with blood or circulatory system problems, such as anemia, or heart disease.
Generally speaking, once infield camping guests enter the property through RV registration and Gate #1 they cannot leave and re-enter the Pocono Raceway property unless approved by a member of Raceway management. To allow guests to leave and re-enter, Pocono Raceway provides an opportunity to purchase a Dash Pass.
New for 2024 – (1) DASH pass included with all Infield R Campsites
- New for 2024: All Infield RV sites now include a Dash Pass. This allows you to exit and enter the camping areas with your support vehicle throughout the weekend. *Note to Infield Tent Guests: Your camp site placard serves as a Dash Pass.
- Price: $25 (Cannot be purchased in advance)
- Will be sold at RV Registration and Infield Fan Center on Earnhardt Road during normal Infield Fan Center Hours throughout the weekend.
Note for Late Arriving Camping Guests: All guests are encouraged to arrive with their party at the time of check-in. Late arriving guests must stop at RV/Camping registration to exchange their guest camping pass for a camping wristband. A Dash pass will also be required to purchase in order to enter the infield to meet your party. For more information see Late Arriving Camping Guests below.
Electric hookups are available in Trackside, 50 AMP Infield, and 50 Amp GEICO Campground Sections. These sites are all considered reserved sites. Please contact this ticket office at 1-800-722-3929 for availability in these sections.
FLAGS (Flagpoles)
- Permitted: Fiberglass, PVC, Vinyl
- Not Permitted: Steel, aluminum, other metal
- The top of a flagpole may not exceed the maximum height of 15ft. from the ground surface.
- Flagpoles or other similar objects are NOT permitted within 20 ft. of an overhead electrical line.
- At the request of TV and the Team Spotters, ALL flags, banners or any types of displays higher than the RV must be lowered one (1) hour prior to the Sanctioned Race.
- Due to low-flying aircraft, kites are not permitted.
- Displays of the confederate flag are prohibited.
- All Fires should be contained in an above ground fire pit
- No On-Ground Fires, large bonfires or pit fires
- No deep frying on asphalt surfaces
- Fires should be at least 10 feet from any vehicle or structure
- Fire lanes must remain open at all times
It is against Pennsylvania’s regulations to bring most types of out-of-state firewood into the state. Nearly all types of out-of-state firewood are prohibited via this regulation- hardwood, softwood, kiln-dried, seasoned and green. Packaged heat treated firewood with a stamp showing treatment of at least core temperature of 160°F for a minimum of 75 minutes is permitted. A quarantine banning the entry of untreated out-of-state firewood into the state has been established by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food.
Generators 75 decibels and below can run 24 hours. If your generator exceeds the noise limits and you need one to run overnight for medical reasons, please contact the help desk at 570-643-7184, or inform Camping and RV Registration when you arrive at Pocono Raceway. No generators allowed in the tent-only camping areas unless for medical reasons.
Golf carts used on Pocono Raceway property are permitted for business purposes only. No personal use is allowed for any reason. A violation of these regulations will result in the golf cart being impounded for the remainder of the event weekend and possible expulsion of the operator from the property.
The Guest Text Messaging Service is available to all guests and staff at Pocono Raceway. A guest may call for assistance during each event by sending a text message to 69050 from their cell phone. Open a blank text message and address the message to 69050 Type the word POCONO followed by a space and the issue (question, comment, concern, etc.) and location.
In case of an emergency or if you observe illegal activity, contact a raceway representative immediately or call the HELP DESK at 570-643-7184. Representatives at the Help Desk are on duty 24 hours a day during major race weekends.
If you see or experience a housekeeping problem or maintenance concern, please notify any Event Staff member of the issue or call the HELP DESK at 570-643-7184. Representatives at the Help Desk are on duty 24 hours a day during major race weekends.
To purchase tickets for the grandstand, paddock pass+ tickets or dash passes, please visit the infield fan center located along Earnhardt Road. Hours of operation to be announced soon.
Ice will be available for purchase near the Infield Block Party Stage in the Infield. Roving trucks will also sell ice throughout the race weekend.
Price: 20lb bag of ice is $10 cash, $11 with a credit card
Hours to Purchase Ice at Infield Block Party Stage Location:
Thursday: Noon-6 pm
Friday: 8 am-9 pm
Saturday: 8 am-9 pm
Sunday: 8 am-3 pm
*Tentative and subject to change without notice. Ice will be available on a first come, first serve basis and may sell out. We cannot guarantee the availability of ice. We can not guarantee the exact schedule of the roving trucks through the campground as that will vary based on demand.
Late Arriving Camping Guests
All camping guests are greatly encouraged to arrive at the same time as everyone in your camping group. If you are unable to arrive with your group please plan to follow the steps below:
1. Be sure to have your Guest Camping Pass purchased and with you ahead of time.
2. Check-In at Camping/RV Registration located at Gate 7 off of RT 115.
3. At registration you will exchange your guest camping pass for a guest camping wristband.
4. You will be required to purchase a Dash Pass which will serve as your late arrival pass in order to enter the gate.
5. Please follow the direction of the Pocono Raceway staff to park in the designated late-arrival parking area.
6. All guests must arrive prior to 7pm. Saturday, July 13
GEICO Campground Guest Note: You will be required to show your Sunday Grandstand ticket at RV/Camping registration check-in in order to receive your camping wristband.
Throughout the course of an event, all lost items should be brought to the Operations Office. All guests looking to claim or report lost items should proceed to the Infield Fan Center. Guests inquiring about lost items at previous events should call the Operations Office at 570-643-7118 or notify us via email at Items lost at prior events are taken to the Pocono Raceway Operations office at the end of each business day. Pocono Raceway cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged items.
Merchandise and Novelty stands are located throughout Pocono Raceway. For your convenience, some points of sale accept major credit and debit card.
One-Day Infield (Not Available)
One-Day infield option as it was previously known as in our past NASCAR events in not available for our NASCAR Weekend. We have added camping spots (Both reserved and general admission) in our Turn 1 camping area in response to the increased demand in weekend camping.
All camping guests must arrive prior to Saturday at 7pm. There will be no “one-day” infield tickets sold at our gate. Please give our ticket office a call at 1-800-722-3929 for more information.
The Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital Inclusive Playground is Located in our infield and open to all camping guests. The playground is designed for children of all ages and abilities to learn, grown and play together. The Playground will close at sunset.
- Pets are allowed in ALL RV Camping Locations
- Aggressive dogs of any breed cannot enter or stay at Pocono’s RV camping areas. If pets exhibit behavior that is protective and unfriendly to strangers, guests may be asked to leave Raceway Property:
- All pets must be under the control and visual observation of their owner at all times. We ask all pet owners to keep their pet on a leash whenever the animal is outside the owner’s RV.
Leash Rule
- A Leash cannot exceed six (6) feet in length
- All pets must be on a leash when out of the RV
- No pet should be left tied up and unattended outside within the RV Camping parking space
- Guests must clean up after their pets and properly dispose of the waste; this rule applies at all times, no matter where the pets relieve themselves in campgrounds or parking areas.
- Allowing your pet to bark uncontrollably, day or night, will not be permitted and in such event, you may be asked to leave.
- Pets are not allowed in the Paddock Pits area or in the grandstand
- Service dogs are always welcome at all Pocono locations. These animals must follow leash restraint policies and may not exhibit aggressive behavior.
- No Scaffolding
- No platforms more than 12 inches above the manufactured roofline of Guest’s vehicle
- All attachments must be permanently affixed to the manufactured vehicle in some fashion
Limit of one camping unit and one vehicle per campsite (must fit within camping parking space).
- All vehicles and items must fit within the site. One RV pass equals one RV parking space
- No passenger vehicles are to be parked in the camping areas with the exception of vehicles that are towing in the RV.
- Companion vehicles that are towed by an RV, must either stay on that site for the duration of the event or should the need arise to move that vehicle, the vehicle shall be directed to a companion parking area along Earnhardt Road
- Horseshoe Parking of RV’s is permitted except that an unobstructed view and clear lane from a service road must be kept open at all times. Pocono Raceway reserves the right to make changes to parking patterns deemed unsafe.
- An additional vehicle would need to utilize the Dash Pass and park in the designated parking lot.
- Offensive signs, drunkenness, and profanity will not be tolerated.
- Activities that disturb the rights of other campers will not be tolerated. Interfering with and/or obstructing track officials or security can result in ejection, forfeiture of tickets and prosecution.
- Any individual causing damage to the infield road course will be cited, resulting in the revocation of infield privileges. Do not dump hot ashes on the ground or pavement! No stakes can be driven into the asphalt.
- Pocono Raceway reserves the right to refuse admission and/or eject any person whose conduct is deemed, by raceway officials, as disorderly and/or fails to comply with the terms and conditions herein. Any such refusal or ejection may be without the refund of any portion of the ticket purchase price. Pocono Raceway reserves the right to add or change these rules without notice.
- Pocono Raceway is a family-oriented track, offensive signs, public intoxication, profanity, abusive language and/or lewd behavior will not be tolerated. Violators will be ejected from the Raceway and may be turned over to local police for prosecution.
- For the safety of all our guests all Federal, State and Local Laws will be enforced including but not limited to:
- Security is to enforce all traffic violations such as reckless driving, excessive speed, racing or other hazardous operation of any motor vehicle.
- Excessive use or illegal possession of alcoholic beverages (must be 21). It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to possess alcoholic beverages or to misrepresent or misstate his or her actual age in order to obtain and/or purchase alcoholic beverages. Individuals in violation will be turned over to local police.
- To illegally, use, sell, and/or possess, illegal narcotics, dangerous drugs, prescription medicine, and other illegal substances. Individuals in violation will be turned over to local police.
- Fighting or other instances of disorderly conduct will not be tolerated and may be subject to local police action.
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones
- Fireworks
- Water Balloon Launchers
- Inflatable Blimps
- Super Soakers
- Spotlights
- Private golf carts
- Laser Pointers
- Weapons of Any Kind
- Amplified Music
- Disorderly Conduct
- Scaffolding
- ATV’s
- Tractor-trailer rigs
- Displays of the confederate flag are prohibited.
- Motorcycles (permitted in the infield, however, must remain parked and not used as a mode of transportation while camping in the infield)
- Mopeds, Golf Carts, or any Motorized Bicycles are NOT permitted. Electric Bicycles & Scooters are discouraged but allowed, however subject to confiscation due to utilizing in an unsafe manner.
- Utility Vehicles (I.E., Bucket Trucks, Box Trucks, Cargo Trucks, Rental Trucks or Enclosed Hauling Trailers, Etc.)
- ANY other items deemed dangerous by Pocono Raceway to guests, staff or competitors, are strictly prohibited and may be confiscated.
Noise restrictions apply from 12:00 AM (Midnight) to 6:00 AM.
Although Pocono Raceway does allow the use of generators, Pocono Raceway recommends all generators have an exhaust flow pipe and be placed on the entry side of the camper away from neighbor’s windows or air intakes. We ask that campers show courtesy toward their neighbors in the placement of generators. Pocono security or campground officials may ask that you relocate your generator if it disturbs those camping around you.
- No generators allowed in the tent-only camping areas unless for medical reasons.
- All vehicles related to tent-only camping must park in designated parking areas.
- The use of public address systems, bullhorns and other devices generating excessively loud noise are prohibited at all times. Pocono Raceway reserves the right to judge what constitutes excessively loud noise levels and guests in violation may be asked to lower the noise level or leave the premises. External stereo or television speakers are not permitted.
- No Stages, Stage Lights, Live Bands or Live DJ’s.
ALL Camping Guests must stop at RV & Camping Registration before entering any Gate or Camping Area. There are no provisions or staging for early arrivals. Registration will open at 12pm on Thursday July 11 and Close at 7pm on Saturday July 13. Please enter through Gate 7 off of Rt 115 for registration.
Infield Restroom Facilities are located at the Infield Fan Center and Infield Bathhouse on Roos Road. Restroom facilities are also located near Trackside RV and GEICO Grandstand Campground. Portable Restrooms are available for rent, the number to contact Rental Company will be provided at check-in at RV Registration.
Self-contained is defined as any vehicle which has factory-installed bathroom facilities that include holding tanks for clean water, gray water sewage, and the required plumbing; i.e., motorhomes, travel trailers, etc. Additional included are vehicles that have been professionally modified by an after-market customizer.
Site holder will be responsible for any gray water or sewage that appears to be coming from their unit.
Shower facilities are available near the Infield Fan Center on Tunnel Road and Infield Bathhouse on Roos Road. Shower facilities are also located near Trackside RV and GEICO Grandstand RV. All shower facilities are now FREE for all camping guests.
FREE shuttle service is provided for ALL Camping Guests. Shuttles will provide access to and from the Infield and to and from Fan Fair. Shuttle stops also include Trackside RV and GEICO Grandstand Campground.
- Tent Camping is only permitted in designated areas
- Tent and awning stakes must be marked
- Fire lanes must remain open at all times
- Limit 2 tents per site
- Sites are generally 20×40 but may vary.
If you choose to have a sleeping tent on your site, there is a limit of one tent per site, per camper.
Please contact the Ticket Office at 1-800-RACEWAY or visit On race weekend please visit the Infield Fan Center with any ticketing concerns or questions.
- Trash pickup will be made daily through the camping areas. Please place all refuse in a closed trash bag and set it next to the roadway.
- Blue Bags will be given out at RV Registration – Please put all recyclable items into these bags and place next to the nearest roadway. If you need additional bags please visit the Infield Fan Center.
- To further assist the track’s recycling efforts, Coca-Cola and Anheuser-Busch has also contributed recycling bins to the track in hopes of reducing the number of recyclables that are being thrown in the trash. All Pocono Recycling is done through JP MASCARO’s Single-Stream recycling system
Pocono Raceway (“Track”) strictly prohibits the use of any unmanned aerial vehicles (“UAV”), also known as a drone, for any purpose whatsoever on Track Property. A UAV for purposes of this policy is any aircraft without a human pilot aboard. Track personnel may remove anyone using a UAV on Track Property and/or confiscate the UAV until the event is over.
- All Camping Vehicles should remain at their respective camping parking spaces unless guests have purchased a Dash Pass.
- The speed limit on all roads in camping areas is 10 m.p.h.
- No motorcycles, semi-trailers, off-road vehicles, ATVs or rental trucks allowed
- Buses are not permitted in the infield without prior authorization from the Main Office
- Limousines and taxis are not allowed to park in the infield without prior authorization from the Main Office
- No vending or commercial sales to other camping guests without vendor permit issued by Pocono Raceway
- No outside catering allowed on Raceway property. All catering must be coordinated through Mountain Concessions, Inc. 570-646-3034
- Pocono Raceway provides no provision for water or dump stations.
- Wastewater dumping is a violation of Pocono Raceway policy and Pennsylvania state law. Any dumping of wastewater on the ground will result in prosecution and renewal privileges being revoked.
- Waste disposal service is available by an authorized outside contractor (fee required). Information provided at RV registration for scheduled times and cost.
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